Trilogy in Theory
A month of movies meeting movies.
2 months ago

10 Things I Hate About You (1999)

The Third Part in our Taming of the 1999 Shrew Trilogy

The Third Part in our Taming of the 1999 Shrew Trilogy

One host finds Julia Stiles AND Heath Ledger insufferable while the other is more bothered by the supposed nice guy act of Joseph-Gordon Levitt. Which is to say that maybe middle aged men should not sit in judgement of the charms of teen romcom hits from their youth. They do however really dislike labeling 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU a "cult classic."

On that we and the fanbase for this film can agree. And also Allison Janney. Always Allison Janney. Especially playing an erotica writing guidance counselor named Ms. Perky. Movies are the best. Enjoy!

Did we mention that you can get more of this in our Movie Book Club episodes on Patreon for BEST MOVIE YEAR EVER?

If you've made it this far into these show notes maybe you will follow us for a dollar. Either way, enjoy!

Enjoy and catchup on last year's Movie Book Club from Quentin Tarantino's CINEMA SPECULATION!

Follow along at our Patreon page as once a month (although sometimes more) we read AND watch films from 1999 for BEST MOVIE YEAR EVER by Brian Raftery!

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